

"My pictures should be a spot of colour in my life and in the life of other people"

Emotions, thoughts, imagination, dreams and visions - creativity is the elixir of my life. And I hope that by looking at my pictures you may feel something of that spirit in you.

I stopped giving my pictures a title because I don't want anyone viewing my pictures to restrict their imagination. I want your imagination to run free.

I love nature and especially the beach and the sea - that's why you see a lot of blue in my pictures. In my series "holed canvas" I added another dimension to my pictures: The wall - the background behind the hung picture. Depending on the background that you see behind the holes in the canvas the picture changes.

2012 I dicovered my love for oil colours. The brilliance is stonishing - exactly the perfect medium for expressionistic painting: The Sail (2012), Pont Flowers (2012).

 I wish you a wonderful day Brenda


Der Wasserfall (2018)
Wachs, Gips, Acryl, Holz und Muschel auf Leinwand 70 x 70 cm



Here you can see and buy "Art on the christmas tree"

3. December - 5. December 2010
Museum der Arbeit, Wiesendamm 3
22305 Hamburg

opening hours
Friday 4-8 pm
Saturday 10 am -6 pm
Sunday 10 am - 6 pm

Entry fee
Friday 2 EUR, Saturday and Sunday 4 EUR - reduced 2,50 EUR

At the beginning of 2010 I took a screen-printing course. It is a great method and I will introduce some of my work at the "Eco-Christmas Market". I also participated in an intensive colour tone workshop. It is always amazing to see how many different shades of colour can be created with just two colours (plus black and white). Paintings of my yellow series will be displayed soon.
I am really looking forward to the Christmas Market. Maybe we will see each other right there! r

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